Fast track DevOps success with Rev-Trac 8.1 Platinum

The benefits of SAP DevOps initiatives are well documented. Top of the list is massive improvements in speed and volume of SAP change with substantially reduced risk.

Yet, pursuing an SAP DevOps strategy can be difficult for companies and SAP IT teams. Traditional SAP application development processes relied heavily on slow, old-fashioned manual tasks – many still in use today – and suffered from costly production outages.

This is why we developed Rev-Trac – to eliminate error-prone manual tasks and replace them with automated and consistent processes to accelerate SAP application development without breaking production.

With the release of Rev-Trac 8.1 Platinum – the latest offering of our flagship automated SAP change management platform – we give you the foundation to achieve DevOps goals.

A DevOps strategy focuses on communication and collaboration between product management, software development teams and operational professionals.

It creates a culture where higher quality software can be delivered faster and more safely in response to constant shifts in business demands.

The new capabilities and enhancements in version 8.1 put you on the fast track to DevOps success. Traditional siloed development is broken down and you can create an end-to-end platform to accelerate SAP change across an application lifecycle.

What new features and functionality does 8.1 Platinum offer?

  • Enhanced comments
  • Rest API’s
  • Improved reporting
  • Custom screens and fields
  • Significant improvements to Rev-Trac Insights

Let’s look at some of them in closer detail.

Open the door to improved

communication and DevOps gains

A DevOps strategy is not possible without communication. It’s what brings development and operations teams together to make rapid changes to an application while maintaining system stability.

Rev-Trac 8.1 includes an enhanced comment section that increases collaboration. Team members can quickly and easily share data, manage workflows and resolve issues.

You can now use the comment section to initiate interactive discussion on the Rev-Trac request in question, for an enhanced level of transparency to SAP changes. I

t’s as simple as adding a user with an @dropdown in the comment, triggering an email notification inviting them to participate in the conversation

Easy integration with ALM tools helps to facilitate DevOps

We are seeing more and more customers looking to integrate modern tools and processes deployed across an SAP application’s lifecycle. The goal is an automated end-to-end platform to achieve continuous delivery of SAP change.

To meet the challenge, Rev-Trac has for many years integrated with service desk and change management tools like ServiceNow and Tricentis Tosca – making automated data exchanges a reality.

Rev-Trac 8.1 introduces bi-directional REST APIs, taking integration to the next level. With the new capabilities, SAP IT teams can build a single unified DevOps platform that cuts development costs and minimizes risk.

Enhanced functionality also includes:

  • 1-1 object mapping:
  • Flexible field mapping across applications

Improved customization for

a better user experience

A powerful new capability in Rev-Trac 8.1 is the advanced support for customization of the user interface. The ability to customize the content and layout of the Rev-Trac Web UI results in an enhanced experience as tasks are performed.

Users can create custom field, field labels and tabs in the Web UI to collect custom data that can be readily categorized. Changes made are consistent across the SAP GUI and for the first time are mirrored in the Web interface, simplifying tasks and processes, and enhancing reporting capabilities.

What else is new?

With Rev-Trac 8.1, SAP IT teams can search transport requests with data reported in the dashboards.

Previously, users could only search and report on Rev-Trac requests. Now, utilizing the search function, it’s possible to view data on transport numbers and descriptions, and the status of each.

Data is compiled in new matrix style reports for improved comprehension of available information.

Rev-Trac 8.1 Platinum is available now. For more information visit, or request a call with one of our Rev-Trac experts.