Streamline SAP DevOps with Rev-Trac Platinum: unify it all 

Integrating DevOps into your SAP landscape is challenging. But Rev-Trac Platinum, the SAP DevOps Orchestration, can help you overcome the difficulties.  

In this three-blog series, I reveal how to build an integrated unified SAP DevOps platform with Rev-Trac Platinum to deploy releases faster and safer. The first blog focused on positioning ABAP at the core of your DevOps strategy, highlighting the crucial role Rev-Trac’s automation workflow engine plays in streamlining your SAP change management processes. 

Here, I will take a deep dive into integrating non-ABAP controls into your automated SAP change workflows. In this blog or Step 2, “Unify”, I reveal how adding non-ABAP controls extends CI/CD capabilities and change management across the entire SAP environment. You will learn:

  • What a non-ABAP control is 
  • Why integrating non-ABAP control is fundamental to a unified DevOps strategy 
  • How Rev-Trac Platinum controls your ABAP and non-ABAP changes 

Non-ABAP controls: Broadening your horizon 

You have successfully established ABAP change and deployment controls – Now what? The next step is integrating essential non-core (or non-ABAP) controls into your deployment layer. 

In a typical non-SAP landscape, organizations use several tools, including Jenkins, Bamboo, and Git, for example. The choice of tools depends entirely on their landscape and preferred solution for a DevOps implementation. The main difference between DevOps in an SAP landscape and a non-SAP landscape is the tools adopted to automate the software development lifecycle.  

To extend Rev-Trac Platinum’s CI/CD capabilities, you can integrate numerous controls into Rev-Trac’s workflows, including: 

  • General Git/Jenkins-type tools 
  • CTS+ to support transports of non-ABAP objects 
  • Cloud Transport Management System (TMS) 

It doesn’t matter if your organization’s SAP landscape is on-premises, hybrid, or in the Cloud. These (non-ABAP) controls enable you to manage changes consistently and efficiently across all platforms. This introduces flexibility and interoperability, which are vital for any robust SAP DevOps strategy.

Achieving ultimate control with Rev-Trac Platinum 

Rev-Trac’s capabilities to manage deployments extend beyond traditional SAP ecosystems. It reaches into SAP’s Business Technology Platform (BTP) and other technologies. This broad-ranging functionality gives your organization the ultimate control over who, when, how, if, and what can be promoted across diverse landscapes. 

The Rev-Trac workflow (combining ABAP and non-ABAP controls) ensures that your deployment processes are as efficient and error-free as possible, regardless of the scale or complexity of your landscape. By consolidating control, you achieve an unmatched level of oversight into your SAP application development process. You can make informed decisions and effectively manage potential issues or risks in your SAP DevOps approach.  

Embrace unified SAP DevOps! 

With ABAP the core of your automated workflow and non-ABAP controls seamlessly integrated, Rev-Trac Platinum is now an SAP DevOps Orchestration Platform capable of building a full-scale, unified SAP DevOps strategy. The platform integrates bi-directionally with best-of-breed ALM and DevOps tools to achieve your SAP DevOps objectives.  

Unified SAP DevOps represents a significant shift in approaching IT for many organizations. It’s a move towards an integrated, agile, and efficient operational philosophy. Combining ABAP and non-ABAP controls into a unified SAP DevOps strategy is a significant step toward eliminating traditional siloed application development. The level of integration enhances agility and promotes a culture of rapid and safe delivery of SAP changes – the goal of every SAP DevOps strategy.  

The final step to integrated SAP DevOps! 

In the last blog of the series, I uncover how to maximize the ROI on your SAP investment by scaling your unified SAP DevOps strategy across your organization.