RSC resells ITSM Connector for SAP to help accelerate incident resolution times


MELBOURNE, Australia, March 02, 2022 – Revelation Software Concepts (RSC), creators of Rev-Trac – an automated SAP change management platform – today announced the addition of ITSM Connector to its line-up of products that help deliver rapid, low-risk SAP change.

RSC recently signed a partnership agreement with STA Consulting – the makers of ITSM Connector – to resell the incident management tool initially to current customers and, in the future, expand that to new prospects and markets.

Tamás Holics, Head of Development, STA Consulting, said the organization was delighted to have RSC as a partner and looked forward to working together to provide additional value to existing RSC customers and extend the market reach of our products.

“RSC has vast experience selling SAP add-on products, has a great customer base and a competent sales team,” he said.

ITSM Connector is an ABAP add-on solution that simplifies incident management, enabling SAP IT teams to resolve issues quickly and easily and maintain Production system uptime.

Chris Drake, Director of Product and Services for Rev-Trac, said that SAP IT teams were under enormous pressure to improve Production stability and ensure end-users could meet business and market demands.

Any tool that could help guarantee Production uptime or accelerate delivery of application updates and enhancements was crucial for organizations to respond quickly to business demands without risking unscheduled downtime.

ITSM Connector helps relieve pressure on SAP IT teams by automating many of the manual tasks of incident collection and management,” Mr. Drake said. “The automation solution enables faster incident resolution with all the information developers need to locate, replicate and fix the issue included in the ticket when it’s created.”

The power of ITSM Connector

Every SAP-based organization works differently. Yet, all experience Production issues that require resolution to avoid disruption to business and meet expected goals and objectives.

Often tickets are raised by non-technical Production users requiring several emails and phone calls with developers to clarify details to fix the problem.

Mr. Drake said ITSM Connector was invaluable in this scenario. It automatically collects all the data where the issue occurred and generates a ticket in the ITSM solution or ticketing tool of your choice from the SAP GUI.

“It is critical for organizations to maximize Production system uptime,” Mr. Drake said. “With ITSM Connector, constant communication with end-users is eliminated. Developers can quickly understand the problem and replicate the Product in DEV environments for a rapid resolution.”

Benefits of ITSM Connector include:

  • Complex technical data is easily reported to developers – Production users don’t have to explain what the issue is
  • Massive reduction in issue detection to resolution time resulting in more Production uptime and reduced operational costs
  • Relevant issue data is collected and collated, enabling the identification of duplicate (or common) incidents
  • Reduction in tickets raised with effective management of duplicate incidents, optimizing help desk resources

ITSM Connector is available now. SAP users of any size or industry can request more information from one of our in-house SAP change management experts.


About Rev-Trac

Revelation Software Concepts (RSC) solution that enables organizations to increase business agility and accelerated transformation in a fast-paced digital economy. The market-leading SAP change management and intelligence products – Rev-Trac Platinum, Rev-Trac ONE, and Rev-Trac Insights – help reduce the risk and lower the costs of managing and delivering changes in SAP software across ALM and DevOps platforms. For more information, visit: