Achieve agility with Rev‑Trac’s Parallel Development Workbench

Lately, our focus at Rev-Trac has been on agility and allowing for organizations to manage and control rapid deployments (CI/CD) into their production environments. One of the key methods for an organisation to achieve a safe and stable agile operation is controlled parallel development.

For those who use Rev-Trac, the extended locking functionality has been a proven method to prevent inadvertent parallel development even after transports have been released from the development system.

While Rev-Trac’s extended locking has been mostly used to prevent parallel development, we have also put in place additional functionality to better facilitate parallel development.

The Rev-Trac Parallel Development Workbench

The Parallel Development Workbench serves as a platform for future innovation and functional enhancement to allow parallel development controls and capabilities to expand to meet the needs of organizations pursuing agile and DevOps methodologies within ever-increasingly complex SAP environments.

Queued parallel development approval

This feature allows users experiencing lock messages to submit their requests into an administrator’s queue for parallel development approval.

The queue entry will remain until a suitably authorized manager approves or rejects the request. By managing parallel developments in groups from a queue, administrators can have time to investigate and view a larger scope of progressing change to make informed and controlled decisions.

Search and report on parallel development

The ability to search and report on parallel developments provides easy-to-navigate methods for investigating the risks or challenges that might be encountered during the parallel development approval process.

While the first iteration of the Parallel Development Workbench provides a framework for further functionality, it also provides managers with further control and transparency into work that will inevitably result in conflicts when they are deployed to production or reapplied changes across development tracks.

Future releases of Rev-Trac will further enhance the Parallel Development Workbench and locking functionality to add more automation and further control over in-flight parallel developments.

Keen to know more?

For more information on Rev-Trac or implementing agile methodologies and controls at your organization, please feel free to contact me and my team at consulting@rev‑