How is Your Inflight Parallel Development Experience?

Rev-Trac SAP Change Risk Reduction

Looking at upgrading your Rev-Trac version to 7.3.0? This new “Inflight Parallel Check” report just might convince you to take the plunge! I’ll take you on a quick journey to explain why this feature greatly improves your Rev-Trac experience.

Identifying Parallel Development

In the fast-paced development world of DevOps, Continuous Delivery and Agile, parallel development is a necessary ‘evil’. Whereas once, parallel development was discouraged and even prevented, now it needs to be allowed and facilitated. Rev-Trac does this by ensuring maximum visibility into any parallel SAP object developments.

In Rev-Trac, you can discover relevant parallel development in progress when saving your changes to a transport with the locking feature. Traditionally, the beginning has been the only time in the request lifecycle that you could check relevant ongoing parallel development. Now, with the new ‘Inflight Parallel Check’ report, you can find out at any time in the request lifecycle. This way, if parallel development is underway in the same landscape for your objects, you can have full visibility and manage sequences accordingly.

Rev-Trac Inflight Parallel Development Reporting

How to run this report: You can find a new button – Inflight Parallel Check – on the Rev-Trac workbench view. Simply, click once on your request, and then click on the button to start the analysis. The report displays all Rev-Trac requests that also contain the same objects as the request you selected.

Alternatively, you can run the report from the Parallel Development Workbench. The workbench is found on menu path: Request Management – Tools – Parallel Development Workbench. Select the third tab. You can select by object, transport or Rev-Trac request. An additional filter is possible for Rev-Trac Request number, Project, Request type, and/or Status, plus the option to ignore the status lock mode.

So why use this? When testing your changes in a quality or regression system, you can find out if anyone else also has their changes present in the same environment. If other changes are present, this may cause your testing to fail. Additionally, when preparing to migrate into a production system, you can validate the parallel development changes for your objects.

If you would like more information on this Rev-Trac feature, let us know at